"The b'ys are calling you one smack
Doyle. Better than dick smack Doyle,
I spose."- Wolf Redmond, aka Alan Doyle
First off, the writing was brilliant on last night's show. It was witty, and hilarious, and kept me in stitches. The writers for Republic of Doyle oughta be proud of themselves.
Secondly, the casting was great. Gordon Pinsent reprised his role as the rum runner, Maurice Becker. I think Gordon Pinsent is fabulous in this role, and well, his 'thug' Wolf Redmond, played by the uber-talented Alan Doyle, wasn't too shabby either.
Wolf Redmond (Alan Doyle)
and Maurice Becker (Gordon Pinsent)
and Maurice Becker (Gordon Pinsent)
I loved the fight sequences too. Even though we all know that nobody actually got hurt in these scenes, they looked very believable. I felt bad when Jake got slammed into the phone by Wolf. That gash looked mighty painful, and Jake got a concussion from it. Ouch.
Jake Doyle (Allan Hawco) and Wolf Redmond (Alan Doyle)
after a fight in the common area.
And am I the only one who thinks that Jake and Leslie are not done yet, despite her seeing the mayor? Only time will tell.
Bring on Episode 3 on the 26th!
Well u known I agree ;) But one question for you. Where do u watch the show online?