Monday, July 16, 2012

A simple misunderstanding? Or Bullying?

I have this really great friend, who lately has been treated like dirt by those that she’s considered to be friends of hers. If it had been just a simple disagreement, I could have let this whole thing slide, but its become so much more than a simple disagreement. There have been hateful e-mails sent, and this one supposed “friend” of my friend is doing her damndest to make my friend lose any friends she might still have.

I haven’t seen the e-mails or messages to other people, and for that much I am glad. But when I get to hear from my friend about how much it bothers her, well enough is enough. If there’s one thing in this world that I cannot stand, it’s bullying. And what this so called “woman” (and I use the term very lightly, mind you,) has said and done to my friend is beyond forgivable.  She’s even gone as far as defamation of my friend’s character, and anyone who truly knows this friend, knows that she is nothing like what this other woman is making her out to be.

Ever hear that saying “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover’? Well, it’s a good one in this situation. The woman who is saying hateful things about my friend, well she looks like a sweet, kind and caring woman. And her smile is enough to fool the nearest passer-by. And for a while it had me fooled too. But trust me when I say that looks can be deceiving.

Now you can take my opinion for what it is, a grain of salt, but this “woman” has jealousy issues. My friend was friends with her ex (who this other woman still thinks of as a boyfriend, by the way; doesn’t work that way honey) and she couldn’t stand the thought of some other woman talking to him and possibly being friends with him. Uh honey, a word of advice? If she’s been happily married to her husband for all these years, I don’t think she’s going to leave him for what you tossed out. It’s the women like you that I can’t stand. You don’t want him, but you don’t want anyone else to have him? Uh last time I checked, it doesn’t work that way. He can talk to who he wants, and you can’t tell him otherwise. Or do you get off on being controlling? Sure seems that way to me, and to the one that you’ve hurt.

Bully my friend will you? I don’t think so. Bullying is bullying no matter how it’s done (face to face, online, etc) and it has to stop. One of these days someone is going to expose you for what you really are, and when you do no-one will be there to help you…

...not even your friends.

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