Saturday, March 29, 2014

It's Not Just Adam and Eve anymore

"God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve."

If there's one line that bothers me more when it comes to the religious community's opposition to the right to love, you'd have a hard time finding it. There is only a partial truth in the above statement, and that is that God made those two human beings. Let me be very clear here. This is not an attack on the religious community by any means. But when a group's only argument against the LGBTQ's of this world is the whole Adam/Eve not Adam/Steve debate, it gets old, and quick.

When I first came out back in 2006, I was met with this statement from more than a few family members. I was made to feel as if how I felt was wrong, and that I was just going through a phase. I did a lot of soul searching, maybe they were right, I thought. Maybe it was a phase, maybe I was just confused. But the more I thought about it, the more I KNEW that wasn't the case. I knew that I was attracted to both men and women, and even though I'd grown up being told that was wrong, I couldn't help but feel the way that I felt.

Once I came out, another family member (who I'll not name here) took it upon herself to tell other members of my family, one being my Grandmother. My Nan, God love her, has a very deep faith, and was also raised with the belief that if its written in the bible, then it must be true. When she found out about my sexuality, she was disappointed. Hurt. But know who was hurt even more? Me. I felt as if I didn't really know her; that if she truly loved me, she'd accept me for who I am, sexuality and all. But that wasn't the case. And again I heard that age old argument of Adam/Eve, not Adam/Steve. And she wasn't the only family member to say so.

Look, I get it. Some people are happy being with the opposite gender, and that's perfectly okay. Just as same sex marriage is. What's the difference? Gay couples can have children through surrogates. Lesbian couples can have children through sperm donors. All that matters in the end is that the child/children resulting from that union are loved, protected, and raised to be productive members of society. And more often than not, they are.

But hold on, you say. Won't a child raised in that environment grow up to be gay or lesbian like their parents? Not necessarily. Some may, and that's alright. But many children who grow up in "straight" homes don't always turn out like their parents. All children need is love. They don't care if they have a mom and a dad, two moms or two dads. All they care about is that there is someone in this world who wanted them more than anything, and who will always love them unconditionally.

When I see the age old argument being made about gay and lesbian marriages, I often shake my head. I'm not for one minute mocking God and the Bible, (I myself am a woman of faith. A bisexual one, but who cares?) I just think that people need to not worry so much about it. Being LGBTQ is not a sin. Nowhere does it state in the ten commandments that "Thou shalt not lie with another person of the same gender". The Bible says not to kill, steal, commit adultery, covet thy neighbour's possessions, etc. But all too often in today's world, all these sins are committed. People die at the hands of others, and God forgives them. People steal, and are forgiven. If all two people are guilty of is loving each other, then I think people need to step back and take a good hard look at themselves.

Doesn't everyone deserve to be loved? Isn't that what everyone dreams of- to find that special someone, settle down, and build a life? Then who cares who we choose to do that with, whether it be male or female? Love is love no matter how you try to break it down. Adam and Eve, Adam and Steve, or Alexis and Eve. Its all the same. Maybe it's time to open up our minds and hearts and be a little more kind to those of us who choose a different path in life than what our families expected.

With peace, hope, love and understanding,
Krista (a proud member of the LGBTQ community)

1 comment:

  1. I cannot tell you how happy this makes me! So well written and well said. Love you babe!
