Friday, March 7, 2014

Weight Loss Update

So as you all know, I'm currently on a weight loss journey. But let me tell you what led to this major change.

Last year, tragedy struck my household. My beloved Cuddles was tragically hit by a car and was killed instantly. It absolutely broke my heart. I didn't know how to go on. But somehow, I did. Less than a month later, I had a dream about my weight. I could see the number on the scale in my dreams, and because my roommate/sister had recently bought a scale, I decided to weigh myself when I got up.

But nothing could've prepared me for the number I saw on the scale that day. 265.4. I was mortified. I couldn't believe that my weight had gotten out of control. But instead of letting it get any worse, I decided to do something about it. And it was on that day- June 20, 2013 - that I took the control back.

It was hard at first, I won't lie. There were days I felt hungry even if I ate enough. But eventually it got easier. I cut back on my snacking, drank more water, walked a bit. And slowly but surely, the weight started coming off. With each ten pound milestone, I've celebrated. There was less and less of me, and suddenly, I wanted to do more. As my weight loss inspiration Mark Hiscock said "The more you lose, the lighter you'll be on your feet, and you'll want to do more." And he was right.

I used to hate walking. I was winded easily, and it took forever to get anywhere. A simple flight of stairs in St. John's? Forget about it. Wasn't happening. But I noticed something this past weekend while visiting the city. While the stairs still hurt to climb, they didn't wind me as much as they used to. In fact, going up and down those stairs was a lot easier.

And walking now? I actually enjoy it. Its fun to get out and see and do things. I want to do more, and I love all the extra energy it gives me. Now I'm only 6.8lbs from the 50lb mark, and I can't believe how far I've come. I have curves now. Imagine. Haven't had those in a long time! I tried on a jacket that hadn't fit me since 2009, and now it fits again. Its the successes like that that keep me going.

To those of you out there struggling, please don't give up. I know weight loss isn't easy, but I promise you its worth it. You don't have to cut out your favourite food altogether. Just limit yourself. A small bag of chips at the end of the week. A can of pop here and there. You'll see results. Walk 15-20 minutes a day. Walk the dog, ride a bike... If its cold outside, dance or clean. Those things can burn major calories! But most importantly, maintain a positive attitude. YOU can do this! If I can do it, anyone can!

Starting weight: 265.4lbs
Current weight: 222.2lbs
Loss to date: 43.2lbs
Percentage change: 16.3%

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