Sunday, April 27, 2014

Enough Is Enough!

For a long time now, I've tried to keep my mouth shut. I've tried to ignore things I see. I try to pretend as if nothing is bothering me. But to be honest, I just simply cannot hold it in any longer. I feel as if I'm a whistling kettle, just done and wanting to let off steam; a pot on the stove, ready to boil over if I'm continuously exposed to heat. Well, enough is enough. I'm blowing off my steam and letting myself boil over, cause frankly, holding in the way I feel isn't healthy.

Okay, here we go. Deep breath and dive on in.

Have you ever met someone online who you thought it would be cool to know? I sadly made that mistake with someone, and now I find myself regretting that I ever made the connection in the first place.

At first, I didn't mind my tweets being favourited. I kind of liked it, to be completely honest with you all, because let's face it, this is the age of social media, and getting noticed is a large part of what social media is all about. Many of us share things because we like it, and we think our friends will too. Or maybe a post/tweet is helpful, and we feel it should be passed on. Or as it is in most cases, we like what the post/tweet says.

Then I started noticing a trend with this person, and I wasn't entirely sure how I felt about it. We all want to be noticed by people we admire, and I'm no exception to that by any means. But there's a point when it becomes too much, and even the most patient of people lose their cool.

Sure, respond to something if you have a relevant point. If it makes sense to share or retweet something, then go for it. But when a person retweet/shares or favourites/likes everything that a person says, it tends to become really annoying really fast. It gets to the point where even seeing their name begins to rub you the wrong way.

I mean sure, we all like to feel "connected" to our favourite celebrities. In some cases we have met them, spent time with them, had some kind of experience that makes us feel closer to them. We feel we can share good/bad news with them, and know that they understand what we're going through. But when it gets to the point that you say the same thing in multiple posts/tweets in hopes that they'll notice you, well then its a wee bit obsessive. Sure you're excited about what you have to tell them, but did you stop to think that they didn't feel the need to reply because maybe they have something more pressing than responding to you? Just because they don't respond doesn't mean that you're not noticed.

I myself am one of those who enjoys getting a response, I'll admit it. But I dont constantly seek it out. I reply if I have something relevant to say. If I really like what was said, perhaps I favourite a tweet or like a post. And if I feel like it should be shared, I share it. But I don't do it because I'm looking for attention. Like I said, I enjoy getting a reply as much as the next person, but to constantly press for attention makes you appear desperate and needy. Is there something missing that you feel it necessary to continuously seek attention from social media?

Its easy to tell why you get some of this attention. The person often is a polite one, and feels the need to offer a thank you, because let's face it, celebrities wouldn't have the life they have if they didn't have people supporting them along the way. But everyone has their breaking point, and at some point will reach it. But where they can't say anything because it could have an adverse affect on their career, I've got nothing to lose.

So please, for the sake of those who you choose to engage with (or those that simply put up with your ways), slack off a bit. Cut out the "look at me" routine, because honestly, it's getting old. You're no more than any other fan honey, and maybe its about damn time someone told you that.

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