Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Weight Loss & Struggles

"You're gonna eat every last morsel", "How much do you have left?" "You're still hungry after eating (insert food here)?"

Saying these words to someone trying to lose weight is hurtful. We know we need to make a change, and most of us are doing so, so when you say these words to us, be careful of what you're saying. Your words hurt more than you know. We know we have a problem, and you don't need to point it out.

For those of you who follow my blog, you well know that I'm on my own weight loss journey since last June. It hasn't always been easy, and I've slipped a little here and there. No journey is without it's struggles, and this is true for me. I've gotten off track, and am trying to get back on the right track now.

I still have my snacks, I admit that. But I control my portions. So you can only imagine how much it hurt when two men close to me said those things today. Saying those words felt like they had no confidence in me, and to be completely honest with you, hurt me. It shook my own confidence. As I write this, I'm fighting tears.

So please, I urge you, think twice before you make comments like the above to people losing weight. You never know what affect they'll have on the people hearing them.

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