Wednesday, January 12, 2011

just one of those days

Did you ever have one of those days where you just knew it was not going to well? That from the moment you woke up, you knew that you would be upset, you knew that you were going to cry? That you were only delaying the inevitable? Well dear readers, that is how today was for me. I knew from the instant that I got up that this day was not going to be a pleasant one.

The feeling first hit me when I was getting dressed. I could feel the feeling in the pit of my stomach, and it was just something I could not shake. But I pressed on. I wanted to go to school. But things were not as they should be when I got there. Sylvia, one of my instructors noticed that something had been off with me since last semester and she knew that there was something wrong. That I had hit a wall. And that I could not get past it.

So during the course of this conversation, I made my decision. I opted out of my second year of the program, and will still graduate with my certificate after doing a two week work term. I already have a meeting arranged to change over my funding on Friday. And later that same day, I plan to go to school, unregister, clean out my locker, and set up my work term. I cannot wait to see the last of that school, even if most of the instructors and staff were very helpful and accommodating.

It is time for me to take the next step in this journey, and while I know that there will be those that are not happy with this decision that I have made, I am confident in knowing that the decision that I made was the right one for me. And in the end, I am what matters. Not anyone else. Me.

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