Thursday, November 14, 2013

The end?

So, it's with a heavy heart that I write this. Just a few hours ago, long time and founding member of Great Big Sea, Séan McCann, made this announcement:

My initial reaction was one of shock, as I'm sure was the feeling of many other fans. Then came the wondering why? Why now? Why is he leaving? Questions that only Séan can answer.

And then came fear. If Séan is leaving, does this mean its the end for Great Big Sea? I admit its crossed my mind, and it scares the hell out of me. For 11 years, Great Big Sea is all I've ever known. They have been my anchor that kept me here. They've been my lifeline that kept me from doing the unthinkable. I'm completely serious when I say that without the strength that the music of GBS brings me, I wouldn't be here typing these words right now. But more fear for Séan. I can't help but wondering what's going on with him right now, and just how bad things could be. I admit, I'm so worried for him right now, and I can only pray that he'll be okay.

Here's a poem I wrote to bid farewell to the Shantyman.

So glad I got to meet him roughly this time last years. The memory of hanging out with him after the show with my sister is a precious one. We talked, laughed, he signed our box sets, and got pictures. I'll always treasure that.

Thanks for the memories, Shantyman. Great Big Sea won't be the same without you!

I'd say cheers, but I don't feel very cheerful right now. 


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