Sunday, May 25, 2014

12 Years

Important events. Everyone remembers them. First date, first kiss, first intimate experience. Likewise engagements, weddings and birth of children. And while those are all important for obvious reasons, I'd like to take the time to tell you about an event that has stayed with my throughout my teenage and now adult years.

I was still in high school, Grade 11, when I saw the poster on the wall near the office. As was my normal, I'd walk up and down the halls before class. My morning stroll, if you will. If the janitor, a fellow Habs fan, wasn't busy, we'd often chat. But on the morning of the 20th or 21st of May, something else grabbed my attention. Or should I say, someone.

An Evening with Alan Doyle & his guitar

Alan Doyle. I knew the name. It was familiar. My mother had one or two of his band's CDs in the house. I liked it well enough at the time, but I wasn't really what you'd call a fan. Still and all though, I figured it was a great way to spend a Saturday evening. I told my mother about it when I got home from school that day, and she was interested too. At $10 a person, it was a small amount for what turned out to be a rather enjoyable evening.

From the first note, he had my attention. Instantly hooked. Double whammy when Séan took his turn at the mic. I wondered why I hadn't caught on before then, but I knew that it was a case of better late than never, and resolved to get myself a CD as soon as humanly possible (Sea of No Cares had just come out in February). But it was when I heard "Boston and St. John's", that I knew I was hooked for life. I don't know what it was about the song, but it just swept me off my feet, and made me look at guys differently for the first time in my life. Yes I'll fully admit it. I think Alan Doyle is an attractive man. And I always will.

Now, moving on...

2 weeks later, I had my first GBS CD. More would follow. By May of 2003 (the day before Alan's birthday), I finally got to speak to him one-on-one. I remember him introducing himself and shaking my hand, and while I was cognoscente enough to shake his hand, I was altogether too nervous to speak. Somehow I managed though, telling him about my upcoming high school grad. I still remember his words that day " good luck with that". Those words have stuck with me ever since.

Okay, total sap fest, I know. But it is what it is.

It's been 12 years now, and through all the ups and downs I've gone through, Great Big Sea has remained a constant in my life. I've gained friends because of them, and seen some of those friendships dissipate. Others have died. There have been family issues, loss of pets, and they've been there. Their kind words have gotten me through. I honestly dont know where I'd be without them today. Probably wouldn't be here right now, that much is certain.

Thank you to every friend I've made through the band. We share a bond that is made stronger by the music.

And to the band, in past and present form- Alan, Bob, Murray, Kris, Séan and Darrell, I owe the biggest thanks of all to you lads. Thank you for making the music and giving me something to help through my darkest of days. No matter where your careers take you, know that you'll always have at least one fan that will always have your backs.

Slainté mhath, boys! Here's hoping life treats you all well!

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