Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Sail Me Away...part 13

Liam is true to his word, and when Jane calls him back later that day saying that she has an appointment for 2 days time, he immediately goes ahead and books a flight. He was not going to miss this ultrasound. Come hell or high water, he was going to be there.

The very next day, at 3 pm, Jane is at the airport, waiting for Liam. Would she even recognize him? He could have cut his hair by now,  or shaved his beard, both of which she thinks seems highly unlikely.

Her parents are watching Claire for her, so she doesn't have to worry about rushing back. She and Liam could spend as much time together as they wanted. When she sees him, there is no doubting that this is the same man with whom she had made love for three days. The same man whose child she now carried. "Liam," she cries, her hands running through his long russet hair, "I've missed you!"

Liam presses his lips to Jane's and kisses her deeply. "I've missed you too. I haven't been able to get you off my mind." He steps back a bit taking in the sight that is Jane. She doesn't look pregnant. No of course she doesn't, he thinks. She was what, about 6 weeks? If he remembers correctly, Marie hadn't started showing until about 18 weeks with Johnny, and about 16 weeks in the second pregnancy. Still he can't help but say it. "You look great." As he says the words he can see the blush spreading across Jane's cheeks. Ah, she still found it hard to take a compliment.

"Thank you," Jane says, smiling.

"You're glowing." Liam brushes a hand against Jane's cheek. "I couldn't imagine a more beautiful sight." How could it be that he already found himself falling in love with her? He hardly knew her, yet his heart was already getting attached. Maybe it was that for the first time since Marie's death, he actually wanted to love someone again. And then there was the fact that she was now carrying his child. Their child. He holds her close, not wanting to let her go. As he gazes into her deep blue eyes, he hears the words to a song by one of his favourite bands. ". . .this feeling's coming on way too fast. . ."

God, he wasn't in love already, was he?