Friday, April 1, 2011

...not gonna take it anymore...

It's one of those days. I feel like if someone looks at me the wrong way, or says the wrong thing, I might just lose it on them. In fact, it has happened twice so far today, and its not even 1 in the afternoon!

First, I wake up, and mother nature has fucked me over again, which set me off. I got asked a question that just rubbed me the wrong way, and I snapped. Wasn't mad at the person who asked it, but when I'm moody, shit like that doesn't matter all that much. I lost it.

Then I see a poll, asking if God is real. I lost it again. I know not all people are believers, but again, this just rubbed me the wrong way. I don't claim to be religious or anything, but I do have my beliefs, and my faith. And I was raised believing in God and Heaven, and that there is a Devil and Hell. I'm sure I've done some things that He wouldn't approve of, but mostly, I choose to believe that the positive things I've done in this life far outweigh the negative.

If God weren't real, I would not be writing this post right now. There are many times I have been near death, but I did not die. And that is God's doing, plain and simple. I could have died when I was five, from bladder reflux, but I didn't. I could have died when I almost drowned, but between God and that lifeguard, I'm still here. And then there was my own attempt to take my own life, but as you can all see, I am still here.

Yes there is a God. At least that's what I choose to believe.


  1. just remember it is what you believe and not what we all believe :) I love you huh, but to be honest I believe in science and I don't think there is a God so I would have answered no to that poll. Lucikly you and me both live in places where we wont kill killed our opinions and I think it is important to treasure that by accepting not everyone feel the same way. I am sorry if this offends you - it is not my intention at all! Love you and hope your mood improves during the day :)

  2. I know that's not your intention hun. I think questions regarding religion and politics are best left off of Facebook, and other social networking sites. Not everyone is going to see eye to eye on them, and the best way to stop the debate is to not post them. I hope I didn't offend you with this post. I am truly sorry if I did, but this is just something I felt had to be said. :)

  3. Everyone is intitaled to their opinion and you are intitaled to yours. I am not gonna keep mine to myself, our even off fb just because people don't agree with me and niether should you. As long as you accept people don't always dissagree with you, you can say what you want without offending me ;)
    The only reason I replied is that I get really annoyed when I feel like people are forcing me to believe in something I don't - but I got lots of friends that are of all differents sorts of religions and I don't mind anyone believe in anything I don't :) all I ask is they don't try and force me to and I wont try and convince them not too :)
    Btw. you can't chase me off by something as silly as religion ;) Just because we don't always disagree it doesn't mean we wont always be friends :D
